Thursday, October 12, 2006

Smoking Addiction/Nicotine - My Story Pt. 1

When I was 10 years old (5th grade) I started smoking. Let's just say, I was dabbling in it. Why? Who knows. I guess to be cool; to fit in? I remember stealing cigarette butts from my dad's ashtray (I know -GaROSS!!) and rolling them up in a napkin to save for later. I would hide them in my dresser drawer. Some of the other girls from my street and I would head to the end of the subdivision where the new houses were being built so we could fire up the "butts" we had collected and learn to inhale. On the day my parents found out you can guarantee those weren't the only "butts" being fired up. Yow!

I remember hanging out on a patio of one of those homes - looking at ourselves through the sliding door. We would watch our reflection in the glass to see how cool we looked inhaling and exhaling the smoke.

To Be Continued...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

What's This About? Part II

Continued from here...

I guess it's about time I get back to my story. As I was saying before, at about age 22 I started to realize that water wasn't what I thought it was. At least the water running from my tap. After reading that fine piece of paper at my friend's house I proceeded to head home to my little town in Tennessee and rant and rave to my now husband about the tap water in little town Kentucky. I realized that I really didn't want to use my body as a filtration system - I wanted clean water going in.

After some time passed we proceeded to have our water tested and we purchased a reverse osmosis water filtration system. We've had one of these ever since and I'm now 40 years old.

So, the first things I started learning about as it relates to my health was aspartame and clean drinking water. My knowledge has since grown from there.

Don't worry, I plan to share some more of My Way Uh Thinkin'.