Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What's This About? Part I

I do a lot of thinking. According to some, I do too much thinking. I don't believe it to be possible to think too much. I have a tremendeous passion first and foremost for my God and then my family. Apart from this, I'm on a quest to fill my head with as much information about health.

This quest for health all started way back when (I think it was 1988) while sitting at the kitchen table of a friend of mine who, at the time, lived in a small town in Kentucky. Come to think of it, she still lives there. There was a piece of paper on the table, a letter from her water company. For some reason I picked it up and read it. Now, it's been a long time since then and I can't tell you verbatim what it said but this is what I remember: "allowable contaminants" in her tap water. What did I just read? "Allowable contaminants"? Contaminants. In the tap water? The water you drink?

Okay, I was about 22 years old at the time and was pretty much floating through life without a care. At least that's how I see it at the age I am now. Come to find out, this was common practice with tap water.

To Be Continued...